Slatington holds off on interim chief
The Slatington Borough Council had a special meeting Monday night to discuss appointing an interim police chief.
Council went into an executive session and resumed 40 minutes later with a different direction.
In a 4 to 3 vote, the council opted to instruct Sgt. Deron Dorward of the Slatington Police Department to continue fulfilling those duties, instead of taking on the role of an interim police chief.
Council President Thomas Bartholomew said Dorward is the highest ranking officer in the police force after the chief. Instead of appointing him or anyone else as an interim chief, the council is instructing Dorward to continue in his duties as they are, until a new police chief is hired.
Council members Kevin Steckel, Zachari Halkias, and Jeff Hausman voted against this option. Bartholomew, Ron Kratz, Bryon Reed, and Joseph Wechsler voted in favor of it.
Police Chief David Rachman had resigned from the position earlier this month and the council accepted it during their regular meeting on Jan. 10. Rachman had been with the Slatington Police Department since 2006.
His last day on the job will be Saturday.
The council also approved to have the borough solicitor Edmund Healy update all of the materials related to the duties of police chief including the job description and to assemble an interview package for the position.
“My goal is to have a sitting chief by April 1,” Bartholomew said.
In other business, the council approved two dates for electronic recycling for this year. The two dates are March 26 and Nov. 12. The hours are reduced to 9 to 11 a.m., but the cost will remain the same.