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Lansford hires new full-time police officer

The Lansford Borough Council met Wednesday evening to discuss matters revolving around resignations, hirings and the appointment of board and commission members.

Members of the council unanimously agreed to accept the resignation of Jennifer Staines from the zoning hearing board. Staines currently holds a four-year term as a councilwoman on the borough council.

Council members also unanimously decided to hire Robert Lilly as a full-time police officer effective Jan. 16.

Brian Kelly and Associates were appointed as the borough’s auditors for the 2022 financial audit with opposition from Councilman Martin Ditsky.

The council also made appointments for expired board and commission seats.

Two seats were open on the Lansford-Coaldale Joint Sewer Authority eligible for five-year terms.

Councilman William Chuma made a motion to reappoint Scott Fisher for sewer authority which was seconded by Vice President John Turcmanovich and unanimously approved.

Chuma also made a motion to reappoint Robert Lakata for sewer authority, which was seconded by Councilwoman Gwyneth Collevechio and unanimously approved. However, after hearing that Lakata had served for 27 years, Ditsky made a comment that there should be term limits for board positions.

There were three seats open on the zoning hearing board. Two seats were eligible for four-year terms and one seat was eligible for a two-year term.

Applicants included Bob Silver, Richard Badowski, Denise Leibensperger, Dwight Penberth, Joe Genits, Tom Boyko and Mary Soto.

Chuma made a motion to appoint Richard Badowski for a four-year term on the zoning hearing board which was seconded by Turcmanovich. The motion passed with opposition from Ditsky.

Turcmanovich made a motion to appoint Dwight Penberth for the other four-year term seat which was seconded by Chuma. The motion passed with opposition from Councilman Jay Doyle and Ditsky.

Doyle made a motion to appoint Mary Soto for the two-year term seat which was seconded by Chuma. The motion passed with opposition from Ditsky.

There was also a seat available for a five-year term on the recreation commission, but the council received no applications for the position.

The next council meeting will take place Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. in the borough building.