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Longtime Lions Club members presented awards

Several longtime members of the Bowmanstown-Parryville Lions Club have been recognized with an esteemed honor.

The club recently welcomed District 14-U District Gov. David Leon, and 1st Vice District Gov. Lisa Leon, to the Club’s bimonthly meeting held recently at the Bowmanstown Volunteer Fire Company Hall.

Leon’s presentation was focused on the theme of his term of office - “What Can Lions and Leos Do For U” - and discussed how Lions can disseminate information to charities and service organizations in the area to let them know they are here to “lend a helping hand” or provide support or financial assistance when requested.

Also discussed was the desire to increase membership. Those who are interested in serving the community, the Bowmanstown-Parryville Lions Club would welcome them as a member.

Anyone interested may speak with any club member, or contact them at PO Box 300, Bowmanstown, Pa 18071.

Leon presented three members with the Lions Club International Milestone Chevron Awards in recognition of completed years of service in Lionism as follows:

• Lions Richard C. Beers and Larry D. Engle, 25 years of service.

• Lion Carol L. Snyder, 10 years of service.

Bowmanstown-Parryville Lions Club member Larry D. Engle, center, with 25 years of service, is presented with the Lions Club International Milestone Chevron Award in recognition of completed years of service in Lionism, by District 14-U Gov. David Leon and President Loraine K. Neal. Lion Richard C. Beers, 25 years of service, and Lion Carol L. Snyder, 10 years of service, were also recognized with Lions Club International Milestone Chevron Awards. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO