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Bowmanstown council under new leadership in 2022

Bowmanstown has ushered in 2022 under new leadership.

Borough council on a 6-0 vote at its reorganization meeting on Tuesday appointed Pam Leiby as board chairman.

Afterward, council deadlocked 3-3 when it came time to appoint a board vice chairman between Councilmen Darren Thomas and William Ravert.

Those who voted in favor of Thomas were Councilwoman Donna Winter, Leiby and Thomas.

In favor of Ravert were Councilwoman Kara Scott, Councilman Rob Moyer and Ravert.

In the absence of Councilwoman Candace Rodrigues, Mayor Zach Snyder, in his capacity as mayor, broke the tiebreaker when he cast the deciding vote by voting for Thomas.

Afterward, council on a 4-2 vote approved Thomas as board vice chairman, with Ravert and Scott opposed.

Other appointments

• Tonia Smale, vacancy board chairman

• Rodney Reeser, planning commission

• Antoinette Mullen, planning commission

• Joe Rodrigues, zoning hearing board

• Domingo Lorenzo, zoning hearing board

• Darren Thomas, UCC Appeals Board

• Broughal & DeVito LLP, solicitor

• Alfred Benesch & Company, engineer

• First Northern Bank & Trust, designated depositories

• Times News, advertising agency for public notices

• Tabled delegate to Carbon County Tax Collection Committee

• Tabled alternate delegate to Carbon County Tax Collection Committee

Bowmanstown Borough Council held its reorganization meeting last Tuesday. Pictured are front, from left, council Vice President Darren Thomas, council President Pam Leiby, Councilwoman Donna Winter and Councilwoman Kara Scott. Back, from left, Councilman William Ravert, and Councilman Rob Moyer. Not pictured is Councilwoman Candace Rodrigues. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS