Rush Township holds reorganizational meeting for 2022
Rush Township Board of Supervisors held a reorganizational meeting on Monday, followed by their monthly general meeting for January.
The regular monthly meetings of the Board of Supervisors will continue to be held the third Thursday of each month, except for January.
Shawn Gilbert was nominated and reappointed as chairman, Robert Leibensperger as vice chairman, and Jeaninne Motroni as supervisor for 2022.
Deborah DelFranco was appointed full-time secretary-treasurer at $22.50 an hour, and Kristin Woleslagle as part-time administrative assistant at $21 an hour. Christopher Riedlinger was reappointed solicitor for 2022 at $100 an hour.
Other appointments included Peter Fagan as solicitor for the planning commission at $110 an hour, and Burke & Burke as solicitor for the zoning hearing Board at $85 an hour. Arro Consulting was appointed zoning and code enforcement officer, as the engineering firm, and as engineer/consultant for the planning commission.
William Brior was appointed sewage code enforcement officer at $50 an hour, Robert Fulgate as the alternate sewage code enforcement officer, both as per Resolution 2022-01. Michael Zimmerman was reappointed township Sewer Department employee at $28 an hour. Resolution 2022-01 was adopted Setting Fee Schedule for the Sewage Enforcement Officer.
Bob Ritsick of the Rush Township Planning Commission will serve as township representative for the Regional Planning Board.
The following road crew Personnel were reappointed: Elden Neifert as full-time Equipment Operator/CDL Truck Driver/Road Foreman/part-time Sewer Department at the rate of $28 an hour; Bob Sweeney as full-time Equipment Operator/CDL Truck Driver at $23 an hour; and Enn Poeldnurk as full-time Equipment Operator/CDL Truck Driver/Laborer at $18 an hour.
Seasonal winter truck drivers rate was set at $20 an hour. Road Department hours will be set at 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., to change as the seasons change.
Part-time police officers Bradley Hess, Michael Weaver, Derek Weickosky, and Thomas Fort were reappointed at a rate of $21 an hour, and Robert Bechtel will continue part-time, filling in as officer in charge for the vacant Chief of Police position as the application process continues.
“We are still receiving applications,” Chairman Shawn Gilbert said regarding the Chief of Police vacancy. “We’ve received four or five applications so far.”
Deborah DelFranco was appointed as a resident representative to the Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission for a one-year term; Robert Leibensperger was appointed as a supervisor representative for one year. Leibensperger was also appointed as a representative and Jeaninne Motroni as an alternate representative to the North Schuylkill Landfill Association Meetings.
The following resolutions were also adopted: 2022-02 (Signature for Bank Accounts), 2022-03 (Setting the Garbage & Recycling Collection & Disposal Fees), 2022-04 (Setting the Sewer Fees for Lake Hauto), 2022-05 (Setting the Sewer Fees for Hometown), 2022-06 (Setting UCC Permit Fees Schedule), and 2022-07 (Appointed TCC Voting Delegates as follows: Primary Voting Delegate, Jeaninne Motroni; First Alternate Voting Delegate, Robert Leibensperger; Second Voting Delegate, Shawn Gilbert).
Shawn Gilbert was appointed as roadmaster; Gilbert & Leibenserger were appointed representatives to the Council of Governments; Leibensperger was appointed as representative of the 504 Plan; and Deborary DelFranco as the Right-to-Know Officer, known as open records.
Each Planning Commission member will receive compensation of $20/meeting; the Planning Commission Secretary will receive $13/hour. The Zoning Hearing Board Members will receive $10/hearing, and each Township Auditor will be paid $10/hour.
Edward Tite was reappointed Emergency Management Coordinator; and David H. Clewell Sr. as EMA Assistant.