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Carbon County Commissioners business, personnel items

During the Carbon County Commissioners meeting last week, the following actions were taken:

• Adopted recognizing county Treasurer Ron Sheehan, of Jim Thorpe, on his retirement. Sheehan retired at the end of 2021 after completing his fifth term as treasurer.

• Ratified the 2021 State Homeland Security Grant Program agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania/Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Counter Terrorism Task Force. The term of the agreement is Sept. 1, 2021, through Aug. 31, 2024, and is for $916,022. The Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Counter Terrorism Task Force is comprised of Carbon, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties.

• Ratified an agreement to extend the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the county and AFSCME, AFL-CIO, District Council 87, Local 2483, for the Court Appointed Professional Employees through Jan. 14. The current CBA was set to expire Dec. 31, 2021.

• Approved an extension to the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 773 that was due to expire on Dec. 31, 2021. Parties agree all terms and conditions of the previous agreement will remain in effect through Jan. 7 unless otherwise extended in writing by both parties.

• Approved an agreement with Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC of Harrisburg for financial consulting services for 2022 at a fee not to exceed $87,500.

• Approved an agreement between Carbon County, the Court of Common Pleas/Domestic Relations office and attorney Debra Smith for professional legal services as Domestic Relations Hearing Officer and Custody/Divorce Master. Compensation shall be $60,000 in 12 monthly installments of $5,000. The term of the agreement shall be Jan. 1, 2022, through Dec. 31, 2025. Commissioner Chris Lukasevich voted no to this motion. A motion to table the action for a week died for lack of a second.

• Approved an agreement between the county, Domestic Relations Office and attorney Debra Smith for professional legal services provided under the Title IV-D Cooperative Agreement as Domestic Relations Hearing Officer at the rate of $125 per hour. The term of the agreement shall be Jan. 1, 2022, through Dec. 31, 2025.

• Commissioner Rocky Ahner announced additional donations to the dog shelter. They totaled $1,200.



• Prothonotary appointment: Daphne C. Gasker of Jim Thorpe, part-time clerical assistant, effective Jan. 4.

• Sheriff change of status: Tyler J. Dietz of Summit Hill, from special deputy sheriff trainee to deputy sheriff, effective Jan. 3.