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Santa makes early trip to Parryville

The Parryville Fire Department elves were hard at work helping Santa get ready for the holiday season. In addition to feeding reindeer and wrapping presents, Santa, portrayed by Jason Homm, and his trusty elf, Caden Homm, 7, visited four families in Parryville over the Christmas season under the expert coordination of Mrs. Claus, portrayed by Sue Homm, and Mayor Tom Kobal, fire company lieutenant.

James Wentz, 3, and his little brother, Luke, 1, were excited to welcome Santa to their home the Monday before Christmas. Wide-eyed James asked Santa why he rode a firetruck instead of the sleigh.

Santa was quick to note that the elves were back at the North Pole readying the sleigh for this week’s great trip around the world.

James, who is in love with tractors, received an “early toy for being such a good boy.”

James’ dad, Dustin Wentz, said his family has lived in Parryville for generations.

“This is the greatest part about living in a small community like Parryville,” he said. “We can do things like this for our children where bigger towns cannot.”

The Parryville Fire Company, under the direction of Fire Chief Mike Kunkle and Parryville Mayor Tom Kobal, organizes the Santa Express for residents within Parryville.

James Wentz, 3, got an early visit from Santa and his elf in Parryville last week. BETH RITTER-GUTH/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS