Published December 11. 2021 07:13AM
Bowmanstown Borough Council took the following action on Tuesday:
• Approved a quote in the amount of $3,853 from Envirep to replace the check valves at the pump station.
• Agreed to split Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield rebate check distribution between a former employee and a current employee.
• Approved a quote in the amount of $700 to remove the last and final drum at the borough garage.
• Authorized the borough solicitor to amend the regulation of parking and traffic ordinance to add certain parking restrictions and violations.
• Appointed Kirk Summa & Company LLC as auditing firm for the 2021 audit.
• Appointed Joseph Civitella to a five-year term on the Water Authority Board.
• On a 4-2 vote, appointed Lea-Ann Musselman and Antoinette Mullen to the borough’s Planning Commission. Councilman Darren Thomas and council President William Ravert were opposed.
• Approved holidays for the office staff on Dec. 24 and Dec. 31, and to allow the office to close early on Dec. 23 and Dec. 30.
• Agreed to hold council’s biennial meeting Jan. 3, and set council’s 2022 meeting dates for the first Tuesday of each month (except for in November, when it will be held on the second Tuesday).
• Approved a request from the Palmerton Pace-Makers Association to come through the borough as part of a “Rolling Cruise” on Aug. 13, and for help in the form of traffic control at certain intersections for about a two-hour period.
- Terry Ahner