Published November 20. 2021 07:21AM
Schuylkill County residents will not see county taxes increase under the proposed 2022 budget.
The millage rate will remain at 15.98. The per capita tax is at $5.
Commissioners voted to adopt the preliminary budget Wednesday. The $69,620,417 general fund budget has projected revenues of $65,543,678 and uses $4,076,739 from the general fund unassigned fund balance to close the shortfall.
“This is the fourth consecutive year for no new tax increase,” Finance Director Paul Buber said.
Adoption of the final budget is slated for Dec. 15. The budget is available for public review in the commissioners’ office.
Cost reductions by departments and help by all made the accomplishment possible, he said.
Drivers of higher costs include health care expenses, he said. The county will have sufficient reserves to comply with its 30-day fund balance policy. The county’s bond rating remains at Aa2, a good rating, Buber said.
The county is also able to pay off the voting machines it purchased years ago, he said.
The following funds were also mentioned: internal service fund $460,000, capital reserve fund, $161,200, capital project fund $$50,000, funded debt account of $2,770,505 and special revenue fund accounts $49,035,365.