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Coaldale council

The following items were discussed at Coaldale Borough’s November meeting Tuesday night:

• Coaldale’s online billing option is provided by MuniBilling, which will begin charging a yearly rate of $99. After a point made by Vice President Claire Remington about the many people who choose online payment as an option, the board agreed unanimously that the best decision was to accept the cost and continue offering online payment through MuniBilling. A motion was made to stay with the company and pay the fee yearly by board member Francis Hutta and seconded by Ann Girard.

• Board member Yvonne Stoffey read the police report from Chief Keith Krapf which noted that the borough is seeking police officers and placed advertisements in multiple surrounding newspapers.

• The borough members also discussed hiring part-time snowplow drivers on an as-needed basis and a motion was made to put out advertisements for those open positions as well.

• Kevin Soberick of Lansford was approved as the township’s Emergency Management Coordinator.

• Advertisements to start construction for the Complex roof will be run until the December regular meeting, when the board plans to vote on the best bid for the town. Hutta said he plans to check specs for the roof this upcoming weekend. President Angela Krapf said she does not want to rush the process and wants anyone interested to place a bid for the Complex roof.

• Structures deemed unsafe by an appointed engineer on roads such as Fisher Avenue came up for discussion. Remington said before any grants can be available or possible to the borough for use, the board is waiting on more information from their engineer.

“I don’t think it’ll last until winter. … We need to jump on this,” she said of the issue.