Slatington Class of 1960 celebrates 60th reunion
The Slatington High School Class of 1960 celebrated their 60th year reunion, delayed one year because of COVID-19, on Sept. 25 at the Northern Valley Reception Hall. The class of 1960 graduated 124 students. Today 82 class members are known to be living, and 25 of those members and 18 guests attended the reunion. The evening’s activities included a delicious dinner, awarding of door prizes, and a tribute to the deceased members. The evening concluded with the sharing of many memories and laughs. First row: Carol Grammes Evans, Keith Handwerk, Joan Kern Kriner and James Evans. Second row: Kathleen Kern DeHaven, Margaret Fenstermaker Hough, Linda Koch Flemming, Ruth Blose Harmondy, Caroline Turoscy Kotch, Diane Kennel LaBarre, Kathryn Harry Stofflet and Linda Gruber Roberts. Third row: Richard Bobal, Diane Schaeffer Schaffer, Mary Ann Haas Gregory, Reynold Lorah, Barbara Green Neff, Barbara Schleicher Miller and Allen Rex. Fourth row: David Wentz, Richard Cole, Howard Jessup and David Reinhard. Fifth row: John Barilla and John Ferreira. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO