Published October 30. 2021 08:19AM
I take this opportunity to fully endorse Sydney Wernett for the Office of Carbon County Clerk of Courts. I have been an attorney in Carbon County for 30 years, and was honored to serve as chancellor of the Carbon County Bar Association. I have seen several Clerks of Court in the past, and I can say that now, more than ever, we need a change in that office!
Sydney will strive to ensure that individuals who are not required to serve a license suspension do not have their case erroneously sent to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for a wrongful suspension. Sydney will not issue double judgments for the same case. Sydney will ensure that all persons are treated fairly. Sydney will not permit incorrect jail releases due to error. Sydney will run the office right!
This is not about politics. This is about doing what is right - what Carbon County needs!
Vote Sydney Wernett Clerk of Court on Nov. 2.
Very sincerely yours,
Cynthia S. Yurchak, Esquire