Weissport looking to get a grant for the park
Weissport Borough Council hopes to get a grant to help cover several projects for the borough park.
According to state Rep. Doyle Heffley’s office, a Park and Recreation grant will become available in January. Weissport would use the funds to cover the cost to build two restrooms and a concession stand, and possibly cover the cost of the chain saw sculptures that will be done to some of the tree trunks that remain in the park.
Last month, council decided to look at building a structure that would house a men’s room, a women’s room and a concession stand, as opposed to renting port-o-potties for each event; in the long run, saving the borough the rental fees, and making the park more user-friendly.
Council also is looking to have some of the tree trunks left in the park turned into sculptures. The trunks were left after the trees were cut down.
Bridge Street project
The Bridge Street project is moving forward, according to Borough President Arland Moyer.
“The contractor ordered the pipe for the Bridge Street job,” Moyer advised the council, “so, they should be starting soon.”
Barker & Barker Paving of Bethlehem was awarded the contract for the project at the July 5 meeting for the amount of $149,190.
Moyer also said the Barker & Barker will also be providing some pricing and more information on another street project that would take place on White Street. Moyer hopes to have the details at the next meeting.
In other business
• Two new security cameras were installed at the Weissport Municipal Building, and one additional camera was installed at the playground, bringing that total to four cameras. Council is also considering adding security cameras to the borough park.
• Weissport Borough Council voted to hire Sophia Civitano on a temporary basis to help borough secretary Jennifer Ketchledge in entering data in the computer for audits that are needed for the borough. She will work a maximum of 40 hours total at a cost of $10 per hour.
• Council reminds all Weissport residents that the correct trick or treat night will be held Oct. 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. Homes that are participating should have their porch lights turned on during that time. Drivers should exercise caution while driving through town during those two hours.