Lions to display Civil War plaque
Mahoning Township has decided to donate a Civil War plaque to an organization that will preserve its history.
Township supervisors unanimously agreed on Wednesday to give the plaque to the Mahoning Township Lions Club.
On Friday, Supervisors Myron “Zeke” Blahy and David Pollock gathered with Tom Zimmerman IV and David Hontz of the Mahoning Township Lions Club.
“This is so beautiful,” Blahy said. “You guys will do a wonderful job restoring it.”
Zimmerman, president of the Mahoning Township Lions Club, said the group plans to put the plaque at the Mahoning Valley War Memorial.
“We’d like to have it encased and put it in the memorial,” Zimmerman said. “We’ll take it, get it restored.”
Blahy said that’s precisely the point behind the township giving the plaque to the Mahoning Township Lions Club.
“We’d like to give it to the Lions Club so they would display it,” he said. “We would like the people to see this, and they have the park, they have the means to display it.”
The plaque, dedicated on Sept. 12, 1908, features the names of 35 men who honorably served in the Civil War.
All 35 - some wounded, others killed in the line of duty - attended a one-room wooden schoolhouse in New Mahoning where the plaque was originally posted in 1908.
It was erected by friends and classmates of Civil War servicemen who originated from the school.
The plaque was then moved to the then-new Mahoning Elementary School in 1954, where it remained in the foyer until the building closed in 2018.
It was moved to the township’s municipal building, where it remained until now.
Names of Civil War servicemen listed on the 1908 plaque contains the following names: Oliver F. Musselman; Otto Stermer; James Eames; John Miller; John Callahan; William Nothstein; Henry Snyder; William H. Fulton; Joseph Acherman; Samuel Eberts; William Stermer; Nathan Stermer; D.W.C. Henline; Thomas Musselman; Jacob Nothstein; Daniel Houser; Thomas Strauss; Reuben Reinsmith; Robert Sinyard; William Sendel; Amon Fritz; Josiah Musselman; Daniel Kressely; Stephen Fenstermacher; Peter Eberts; David Eberts; William Eberts; Henry Zellner; Jacob Strauss; Aaron B. Miller; Moses Neyer; Aaron Snyder; Elias Hoppes; John H. Arner; and James Kresge. Also listed are teachers Joseph Fulton and James Swank.