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Walnutport looks at new ordinances

Walnutport has eyed several ordinances for future adoption.

Borough council on a 5-0 vote Thursday approved an ordinance related to landlord - disruptive tenants.

Borough solicitor Michael Corriere said the ordinance gives the borough “another enforcement tool in case we need it (if there’s problems with tenants).”

Also on Thursday, council agreed to advertise an ordinance that pertains to grass clippings.

Borough roadmaster Michael Wentz said he believes the borough “pretty much have to do something.”

The ordinance is essentially a safety measure to prevent the clogging of drains, and ties in with the MS4 plan.

Council also agreed to advertise an ordinance that would make parking prohibited on the west side of Lincoln Avenue from the intersection of New Street and Lincoln Avenue to the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Lehigh Gap Street.

Purchase of skid loader

Also on Thursday, council agreed to purchase a skid loader through Round 2 of Grow NorCo grant, as well as the American Rescue Fund.

Wentz, who also serves as borough grant coordinator, noted that the skid loader will be completely paid for, with 70% of the Round 2 Grow NorCo grant, and 30% of American Rescue Funds.

Afterward, council agreed to advertise to put the old skid loader up for sale on Municibid.