West Penn students enjoy day at Locust Lake
West Penn Elementary fifth-grade students enjoyed a hands-on learning experience at Locust Lake State Park on Wednesday.
“Every year, we take the fifth-grade classes from the Tamaqua Elementary Schools to spend a day trip outdoors at Locust Lake (except last year) provided by the Schuylkill County Conservancy,” said Michele Bittner, fifth-grade teacher. “In a way, the Locust Lake Park becomes our classroom for the day.”
Students spent approximately 30 minutes at a learning station with an expert in a specific field.
The Schuylkill County presenters included Leah Zerbe, Dave McSurdy, Barb Ritzheimer, Tom Powers and Robin Tracey.
The stations include a stream study, nature investigation and journaling, rocks and minerals, plants and pollinators and amphibians and reptiles.
“The day is filled with exploration, learning and hands-on activities to help the students learn more about the world around them,” said Bittner. “The instructors at each center volunteer their time to help promote the conservation of our community’s wildlife, plants and resources. It was really nice to see the students lighten up like that over things that we usually take for granted.”
West Penn students typically participate in this annual activity, but could not last year due to the pandemic.
“Taking the students out of the classroom and into nature proved to be enlightening to the students,” said Bittner. “Today in class, I had several students connect what we were talking about in class with what they learned.
“On many occasions today, students were sharing their experiences and knowledge gained with their friends in class. It was a great day.”