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East Penn hears concerns on settlement

Frustration filled the room at the monthly board meeting of the East Penn Township Board of Supervisors.

Sarah Swartz, reading from a prepared statement, outlined disappointment and frustration over the legal handling of her property on Berger Creek Road. In the statement, Swartz provided detailed information regarding her lawyer’s attempts to work with East Penn’s solicitor, Robert S. Frycklund. She said her attorney has repeatedly tried to work with Frycklund but he has not returned calls or emails since March.

Most recently, Swartz said, he has stated that he refuses to have any contact with Preston Buckman, a Harrisburg-based attorney specializing in zoning.

Swartz and her husband, William, have been battling with the township for five years. They were fined for operating a trucking company on the land. A settlement was reached that will require a fine of approximately $5,000. If the settlement amount was not paid by the due date of Oct. 4, the fine would go up to approximately $20,000.

Swartz reminded the board that they are not required to pay this fine until after the settlement agreement is signed. Frycklund’s refusal to speak to their attorney means that she and her husband have had no input into the settlement agreement. They aren’t willing to sign the settlement without input.

According to her account, emails have gone unanswered by Frycklund and he refuses to work with their attorney on the terms of the settlement. Swartz stated that if the lawyers “aren’t going to work together, nothing will ever get resolved.”

When she was finished reading, Chairman William G. Schwab reminded everyone that “there are two sides to every story, and we hear something different from our attorney.”

The board listened to Swartz’s concerns and unanimously granted a one-month extension to sign the settlement agreement.

However, Sarah Swartz said, “One month isn’t going to help us. We need your lawyer to talk to ours. If he refuses, we will be in the same place next month.”

She asked what they could possibly do in the next few weeks to get the lawyers to talk, and Schwab replied, “I don’t know. Hire a new lawyer? We certainly aren’t going to hire a new solicitor.”

Swartz reiterated that she and her husband “have tried everything to cooperate” and knows that “the board laughs at us and makes fun of us. This is our life. This is our land.”

Supervisor John M. Strockoz said, “this is a bunch of bull. These lawyers need to work together. We need to direct our attorney to work together with theirs. Frycklund has to get on the ball and work with their lawyer.”

Frycklund was not present at the meeting.

The Swartzes have until the Nov. 1 meeting to sign the settlement and will have six months to pay the fine after the settlement is signed.

In other business

• Budget hearings will be held Oct. 18, 20 and 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center.

• Public hearings will be advertised for Synagro-Biosolids to discuss resolutions 2021-18 (solid waste) and 2021-19 (sludge). Schwab voted against the proposal, indicating that he “doesn’t like what the Attorney General of Pennsylvania is doing.”

• Trick or treat will be held from 6-9 on Oct. 27 and trunk or treat will be held at the community building from 6-8 or 9 p.m., depending on the turnout.