Zinc City Motorcycle Club hosts poker run to help Valor
The Zinc City Motorcycle Club could not have asked for a better day for the 54 riders who participated in the 32nd annual Pocono Run and Raffle Party last Sunday.
“A $10 ticket included an autumn foliage ride from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. and an admission to join the party that includes food, beer and soda,” Diane Schwartz, the club’s events coordinator said. The chance auction included 150 prizes and a chance to win your choice of bike, quad, UTV or $5,000 cash at the drawing.
Schwartz has been the Zinc City Motorcycle Club’s event coordinator since July 7, 1952, when the club originated.
“She does it all and I don’t know how she accomplishes it all,” club President Tom Ferreby said.
The event coordinator also runs the chance auction and collects things all year long to make sure they have lots of great things to entice auctiongoers to use their tickets.
“As soon as this auction is over I start checking out flea markets and other places for things we can use for next year’s,” Schwartz said.
Schwartz is also in charge of organizing the volunteers, to set up the tables and help with the food and she does it all without a computer.
“I like to talk on the phone or meet in person,” she said.
“We sold 825 tickets before the poker run and most of them were sold by our event coordinator,” said Jennie Lesso, club treasurer.
The total amount will be higher once all the money from the sales of tickets sold at the door and the chance auction, according to the club treasurer.
“Every year, after we have the total amount we made on the fundraiser, we give a percentage of the money to a nonprofit organization. This year we will be making a donation to Valor,” Ferreby said.
The club welcomes new members. “We are a nonprofit family club, and you don’t have to ride or even own a bike to join the club,” Schwartz said.”