Published October 02. 2021 11:49AM
Sunday school classes at St. John’s Lutheran Church in-the-heights in Jim Thorpe resumed on Sept. 12 after a 19-month shutdown due to the pandemic.
Despite the pandemic, volunteers are forging ahead with our new normal parameters to resume Sunday school classes.
The church is observing the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by maintaining a 3-foot distance, wearing masks and extensive sanitizing.
During the 10:30 a.m. worship service that day, the Sunday school teaching staff was installed for the new year. There were two teachers who were honored for 25 and 26 years of service by the Pennsylvania Sunday School Association. They were presented with certificates and gifts from the Sunday school.
Heike Hartman had 25 years of service and Jenny Angstead had 26.
The PA Sunday School Association recognizes 25 and 50 years of service. Jenny’s 25th year was interrupted by the pandemic and we were shut down during her 25th year.