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2021 general election: Judge Joseph J. Matika seeks second term on bench

The Honorable Joseph J. Matika formally announces his intention to seek a second term on the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County in the general election on Nov. 2.

”Judge Joe,” as he is commonly referred to, was elected as the 19th judge of Carbon County in November 2011. He was sworn in on Jan. 2, 2012, by President Judge Roger N. Nanovic.

Matika has presided over thousands of criminal, civil and orphans court cases as well as dependency and domestic relations matters.

Additionally, he has presided over dozens of criminal and civil jury trials.

In 2017, Judge Matika was instrumental in establishing the county’s first specialty court. The Carbon County Veterans Treatment Court was designed to assist criminal justice involved individuals who served in the military.

This court provides an alternative to traditional criminal court for these people to address their substance use disorders and mental health issues, along with homelessness and unemployment.

In 2019, the Carbon County Drug Treatment Court began, providing the same guidance, instruction and treatment to eligible nonmilitary people dealing with substance-use disorders, mental health issues and other socioeconomic deficiencies. Matika has presided over these two specialty courts since their inceptions.

Matika created and maintains the Court’s Twitter page, “@CarbonCtyCourt.”

Matika is a member of SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Lehighton, Lehighton Masonic Lodge No. 621, the Sons of the American Legion Post 314 in Lehighton, the Summit Hill Italian Club and the Summit Hill Lions Club. He has four children and lives in Lehighton with his wife, the former Jeanine Erdman of Weatherly, and their youngest daughter, Mia.

“I was both humbled and honored to be elected the 19th judge of Carbon County back in 2011. Since then, I believe I have treated every individual and every entity that has come before me with the dignity, respect and fairness they deserve,” Matika said.

“I would be further humbled and honored for the opportunity to serve the resident of Carbon County for a second term and I respectfully request you vote ‘Yes’ to retain me on Nov. 2.”
