Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following personnel matters on Monday:
• Crystal Buck, $21.96 per hour, for performing head cook duties effective on Aug. 30, and terminating on or about Sept. 19, or upon return of employee on an approved medical leave of absence.
• Courtney Crowley, driver; Rafael Cruel, driver; Sandra Larrison, aide, all from Brandywine Transportation to transport Northern Lehigh School District students for the 2021-2022 school year.
• Renewed the appointments of Kathrine Barhight Herzog (CLIU guest teacher), Thomas Battista, Ricky Guth, Dawn Kemery, Patricia Passick, and Candace Steffie as substitute teachers; Kristin Garrison, Shelly Pender, and Dawn Tulio as substitute secretaries; Kristin Garrison and Brenda Hahn as substitute paraprofessionals; and Wendy Brown as substitute cafeteria worker, all for the 2021-2022 school year.
• Stephanie Gursky, Karie Miller Mallory and Michael Smith, districtwide permanent substitute teachers for the 2021-2022 school year. They will be paid a per diem rate of $150, and will receive district health benefits according to the Affordable Care Act regulations, with co-payment amounts equivalent to that of district personnel.
• Margaret Blose, Deborah Geiger, Sharon Karpiszin and Nancy Wagner, unpaid volunteer aides for the 2021-2022 school year.
• Acknowledged that teacher Shelby Bailey has completed the requirements per the Collective Bargaining Agreement that entitles her to a salary increase from Step 6B to Step 6B+24 for the 2021-2022 school year.
• Julie Everett, secondary detention monitor for the senior high school for the 2021-2022 school year. Work will be on an as-needed basis and compensation at a salary of $20 per hour worked.
• Co-curricular appointments of Manuel Gonzalez, high school Spanish Club, $612, and freshman class adviser, $720; Christopher McCarty, freshman class adviser, $720; Blasia Dunham, sophomore class adviser, $726; and Gabryella Wilder, sophomore class adviser, $726. Director Robin Distler abstained from the vote.
• Nicole Nightlinger, high school Aevidum Club, $204
• Kim Corle, Steven Jonkman, Jason Steigerwalt, Rebecca Steigerwalt, band advisers, 2021-2022 school year.
- Terry Ahner