Pastor Mike Coulson: Providing support
“Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim. So Moses said to Joshua, “Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.”
Joshua did just as Moses told him, and fought against Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.
So it came about, when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed; but when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed. And Moses’ hands were heavy. So they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. So his hands were steady until the sun set. And Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.” - Exodus 17:8-13
Understand the situation Moses is in throughout this passage. A battle is waging on and people are dying. Might be easy for us to read but if you envision the scene, it is the horrors of war which are taking place in the valley below.
Moses knows for as long as he can keep the staff of God raised, the people that he loves are fine. Every time his arms get heavy and he puts them down, death comes quickly for his men.
The pressure is nearly unbearable for Moses to not cave and let his people down even though his muscles must have been screaming in agony as the lactic acid built up. Can you imagine the immense weight he must have felt?
Actually, I know most of you can imagine it. At one point or another in your life, maybe it’s right now, you have felt the burden of caring for your kids or your parents. They need you to be there for them, to take care of them, to make sure they are provided for. They are depending on you to carry the weight and there is no room for error or rest.
Maybe you have felt it in your job, in your volunteer role, or maybe even your church. Have you known the burden that is feeling like everyone is counting on you for the success of the organization? For a time, we can handle these things but all of our arms will eventually tire and become too weak to do the job that we will them to do.
If you are trying to hold the weight of the world right now, share your burden with others and ask for help. It is a blessing to be able to help someone so let others be blessed and have joy in giving you a hand or at least lending an ear.
If you are not in that season of life but know how it feels, be like Aaron and Hur. Look for someone carrying a heavy weight and stand side by side with them in support. Aaron and Hur didn’t need to be asked because they were aware of others enough to see the signs.
It is tough walking through this broken world in which we live but let us be people that share the love of God through providing support for one another. You may never know just how many people’s lives depend on your help!