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Combined festivals in Shenandoah

Mexican Americans entertain paradegoers in Shenandoah last Saturday with a color display of native dance and costume. This year, the Schuylkill County community combined their annual Parade of Nations, Shenandoah Heritage Day and Shenandoah Kielbasi Festival into one large event. Last year, the pandemic forced cancellation of the town’s largest festivals. DONALD R. SERFASS/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS

Mexican Americans entertain paradegoers in Shenandoah last Saturday with a color display of native dance and costume. This year, the Schuylkill County community combined their annual Parade of Nations, Shenandoah Heritage Day and Shenandoah Kielbasi Festival into one large event. Last year, the pandemic forced cancellation of the town's largest festivals. DONALD R. SERFASS/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS