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Monroe County Commissioners field questions about election

At the Monroe County commissioners’ meeting last Wednesday, when it came to public comment, Commissioner John Moyer was quick to address the returning group who attended the Aug. 4 meeting with questions on the last presidential election and the validity of the outcome.

In following up on the last meeting, where the questions were centered more on election matters than on the true commissioners business, Moyer said, “We are in the process, and I had to go back and listen to the tape three times to pick up the gentleman at the back that had X number of voters back filed into the court system, but we are hopeful that by the next voters registration or the election board meeting, we will have answers to those things.”

The strangest thing, according to Moyer, is that the same information has gone to every county throughout the state, and was picked up by a consultant back in November and December 2020.

“I guess it’s telling that the state can’t even now tell us what back filed into the court system means, or know how they came up with the numbers that they came up with,” he said.

Moyer assured the concerned group that the commissioners and the election board are battling through all the related information to try to get answers.

“And you know, we will bring those up at the next election board meeting,” Moyer said.

In order to table the conversation about votes, Chairman Sharon Laverdure announced, “OK now we go to public comments at this point.”

Some in the room felt they had not gotten the answers they wanted.

She agreed to allow one or two question on the voting but said, “We will allow a statement, but we are not going to have a full discussion about. That should be done at our election board; we have the figures, the information and everyone is present at that point.”

New business

• A motion was made to approve the Sheriff’s Office overtime report for the period ending Aug. 1: Deputies, 43.75 hours; security, 14.25 hours; clerks, 7.25 hours.

• Monroe County Children & Youth Services: The commissioners ratified the following Purchase of Service Agreements for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, Kids Peace National Center, $150,000; Janet Catina, Esquire, $24,000; George Junior Republic in PA, $725,000; Merakey Pennsylvania, $500,000; National Mentor Health LLC d/b/a Pennsylvania Mentor $200,000.