West End news for Aug. 19, 2021
Raffle announced
Operation Touch of Home is selling raffle tickets to help offset costs toward the purchase of, and sending essentials to, deployed and soon-to-be-deployed troops.
Drawing is set to be held on Oct. 16 at the OTOH military appreciation dinner/dance. Winner need not be present to win; however, winner will need to make arrangements for prize pickup.
If interested in purchasing raffle tickets, contact any member of OTOH or contact the group at touchofhome@hotmail.com.
Polk Fire reports
Chief Billy Tippett of the Polk Township Volunteer Company reports that for July the volunteers were called out enough to bring the total of all calls to 145.
In addition firefighters completed 102 hours of training and members participated in 157 hours of fundraising.
The fire company will be returning to the dine-in breakfast, from 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., on Sept. 19.
On Oct. 1, the Polk volunteers will be having an all-you-can-eat dine-in-spaghetti dinner from 4 to 7 p.m. Takeouts will be available.
A gun bingo is set for Oct. 9. Tickets and more information is forthcoming shortly.
During West End Fair week, the volunteers will help with the demolition derbies and things like that.
Busy time ahead
The Western Pocono Women’s Club has been busy preparing for the 2021 West End Fair. This year’s menu includes a hot, juicy, lean roast beef sandwich on a bun, a daily choice of homemade soups, fresh tossed salad with homemade dressings, and their ever-famous strawberry shortcake with topping. This is the club’s only fundraiser, with proceeds given back to the community to help enrich the enjoyment of life in the West End and beyond. Their food stand is located on the main midway in front of the bench seating, located by the entertainment stage.
Cornerstone Community church will also be at the fair. Everything will be free, whether face painting, balloons, crafts, etc.
St. Matthew’s UCC, Kunkletown, and Salem UCC, Gilbert, are sharing a food stand. Wanda Wunder has the task of signing up volunteers. Both churches encourage their members to be in touch with her.
McMichaels UMC will be running its food spot, offering sandwiches and a variety of baked goods.
Pocono Old-Tyme Farm Equipment will have its museum open during fair week and there will be an antique tractor pull that is scheduled for Wednesday. Registration will be at 9 a.m. and the pull will begin at 10 a.m.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net; or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.