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Tamaqua Night Out entertainment set for Thursday

Tamaqua Night Out is set for Thursday evening. There are plenty of activities to choose from in downtown Tamaqua.

Toolshed Jack will be playing a free concert on the train station platform for entertainment.

Enjoy a round-trip train ride to the Reading Outer Station on the Reading and Northern Railroad via Tamaqua’s new passenger platform at a $24 cost.

The Tamaqua Historical Society Museum and the 1848 Hegarty Blacksmith Shop will both be open for free tours from 5-8 p.m. Additionally, there will be guided tours of Odd Fellows Cemetery every 15 minutes, beginning at the lodge hall at the cemetery, from 5:30-8 p.m.

The Tamaqua Community Arts Center will host an artist meet-and-greet with Heather Butler from 6-8 p.m.

Meet Dr. Joanne Calabrese, DO, at the gazebo in front of the train station for “Walk with a Doc,” for a brief health discussion and a one mile walk through downtown Tamaqua at 5:30 p.m.

Tink’s Antiques and the Five Points Mill will be open from 5-8 p.m.

Padora’s Italian Bakery will also be open this evening as well - stop by for a loaf of their famous bread and see the 100-plus year-old brick oven.

Gimbel Farms food truck will be joining the fun near the railroad station.