Published July 31. 2021 07:29AM
The Biden administration is working to rebuild the EPA and other U.S. agencies by increasing the “role of science” in government. Andrew Wheeler is out!
The EPA is supposed to safeguard human health and the environment. The former administration undermined the EPA’s scientific base in favor of industries the agency was supposed to regulate. Hundreds of scientists left the EPA because of distrust, scientific evidence that was disregarded, and science advisory panels that were dismantled. The EPA declined to comment on these allegations.
President Joe Biden has a plan for a stronger economy by fixing our failing infrastructure and addressing climate change which will create numerous better-paying jobs for Americans. The Republicans only obsess, moan and groan about the debt when the Democrats are in control. And as Mitch McConnell said, “I am 100% focused on stopping the Biden administration.” Do those words sound familiar. While the last administration dillydallied, China took the lead on the manufacturing of EV (electric vehicles), but also the battery which is the most valuable component. I say, lead, follow or get out of the way.
The Biden administration wants to compete with China (go global) by investing in scientific research and for new battery chemistries. He is also pushing to expand research at the U.S. Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory to increase battery recycling to reuse certain components and reduce mining.
Congratulations to Maria Zuber, a native of Summit Hill (Panther Valley!), who smashed through the glass ceiling and became the first woman to lead a Science Department at MIT! This is a very big deal. And, (drum roll) she was hired by the Biden administration as “co-chair adviser on science and technology!” She is a professor of geophysics, leads MIT’S Climate Action Plan and had leadership roles on 10 NASA missions.
Voting BLUE is going new and forcing the undo. Thank you.
Debra Becker