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Palmerton bandshell dedication set Aug. 22

The remodeling project of the iconic Palmerton Band shell has been completed, and everyone is delighted with the results.

When Joe Federanich first approached the Palmerton Borough Council with the idea, it was expected that the work would take about two years. But, with major funding from the Donald and Mary Behler Foundation, plus some additional donations, the project was completed in about 3½ weeks.

“All I had to do was get the contractors together, get the bids, make out a budget, and then we had a two-week period in which to have the work done,” Federanich explained. “There was one delay with the company that was powder-coating the new railings. They had their vacation scheduled; but, as soon as they came back, the first thing they did was bring the new railings over all painted.”

The bandshell now has all new LED lights that match the old ones, new electric outlets, and new microphone jacks. Szoke Brothers of Slatington, built all-new steel railings, powder-coated and painted so they look very much like the original wood railings, but much stronger.

When R&S Hardwood Flooring Co. of Walnutport began sanding the grey-painted floors boards, they discovered that the original wood was much more attractive, so it now has a natural wood coloring.

New flower beds were built around the outside and new roses were planted in them. The old roses have been transplanted to another section of the park.

An American Flag will then be hung from the band shell.

“We don’t have a flagpole in the park any more, “ Federanich said, “so when a band has a concert here, and they always start with the national anthem, the flag will be right here.”

The newly-refurbished band shell will be officially rededicated at the Palmerton Day celebration, scheduled for Aug. 22 in the borough park. The festival will run from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and will feature a DJ, live music, games and fun for children and adults, booths by local organizations, food and fun for all. There will be a display of emergency vehicles, plus St. Luke’s Hospital Network and Lehigh Valley Hospital Network will have first aid and CPR demonstrations.

Everything will be free. Nothing will be sold at the celebration.

The newly-remodeled Palmerton band shell has natural hardwood floors and LED lighting. JIM LOGUE JR/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS