Published July 21. 2021 12:48PM
The Tamaqua Area School Board approved a new math program Tuesday for two district elementary school grade levels.
TASD third- and fourth-graders will participate in the Eureka Math pilot program during the 2021-22 school year.
“We felt that the spiraling component with the curriculum is important because of the review. Learning from home versus learning in person is different,” said Dr. Stephen Toth, assistant superintendent.
“Review always helps. Repetition is the mother of learning, so we’re trying to make sure that we provide those opportunities for those students.”
The plan is to begin with third and fourth grade this year, reevaluate, and potentially expand the Eureka curriculum to other elementary grades in the future.
Toth said third and fourth grade is critical due to the beginning of state testing at those ages, and that Eureka has many components that work well with Google Classroom.
“There is no way to sugarcoat it. Some people transitioned well with it; others did not transition as well. This component with the math program will help review and go back over the things that they need to know.”