Published July 15. 2021 11:57AM
Mahoning Township revealed that they are receiving $221,846.40 from the American Rescue Plan.
The supervisors approved a motion to create a separate account in which to transfer those funds to keep track of their use. They will have until 2024 to use the funds.
“And not only did we receive the $221,846.40 this year,” township Secretary-Treasurer Natalie Haggerty advised the supervisors, “but we will receive another $221,846.40 next year.”
Supervisor David Pollock asked who would help them determine how to use the funds.
“I took a look at the information that explains it,” Pollock said. “It’s 151 pages. I tried to read it, but I still don’t understand it.”
“No one does,” Haggerty responded.
“It’s very vague as to how to use or not use the funds. It’s not just us that has questions. Everybody does.”
Chairman Bruce Steigerwalt expressed the hope that they will eventually receive some direction on using the money.
“I suggest we reach out to The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors to see if they can give us some direction before we go and hire a private firm to guide us.”
The American Rescue Plan is a $1.9 trillion emergency legislative package to provide the resources needed to address the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis and spur a strong economic recovery.
Among the other areas of relief, the fund provides $130.2 billion in assistance to local governments.