Future of Mahoning Drive-in uncertain
The longevity of a historic Lehighton landmark is in jeopardy.
For some, it’s a weekend attraction, but to others, it’s a second home.
The land which the Mahoning Drive-in Theatre occupies has been optioned by the landowner to Greenskies Clean Energy, LLC, a renewable energy company headquartered in Connecticut.
According to a public notice, the company plans to install a solar generation field in the area. Greenskies applied for a variance - one of the first challenges of the process to move forward with the solar project. The drive-in venue would be demolished.
Mark Nelson, general manager of the drive-in, said Mahoning has never owned the property during its 70-plus year existence.
“A gentleman has leased the businesses on sort of a handshake deal from the landowner,” Nelson said.
“We sort of always had that agreement. Every year, we pay a certain amount of money to lease it. The thing was always up in the year - that eventually when it was ready to sell, that we’d have the chance to buy it.”
Mahoning Township said the best way to be heard is to come to a meeting and speak during the public comment period.
“There’s been nothing further. A lot of citizens have interest in the drive-in and are reaching out to the township,” said Natalie Haggerty, township secretary and treasurer.
“Practice and procedure are always to place everything in writing, we’ll make sure it gets to the board - and/or to attend a meeting.”
Right now, the situation is the hands of the zoning hearing board of Mahoning Township. A township zoning meeting regarding the situation was continued earlier this month and is now scheduled for Aug. 3 at 7 p.m.
“We don’t have a problem with Greenskies,” Nelson said. “I’m not painting them as a villain. It’s easy to do that, but that’s not the case. They legally bought a piece of land that was legally for sale from the legal owner. They probably have no idea what we are, they probably just thought it was an old drive-in and to most people drive-ins are a thing of the past.”
The drive-in is planning a rally for Aug. 2 - the day before the hearing - and is inviting all media and supporters to attend.
The following day, supporters are set to meet at the drive-in during the afternoon, who plan to caravan together to the meeting at 6 p.m.
“The way I understand it, which may not be totally accurate, the solar company has a year or a year-and-a-half to do something with the land - to jump through all the hoops they need to turn it into a solar farm,” Nelson said.
“If at the end of whatever period of time the option is for, they don’t do (anything to the property) by choice or due to stumbling blocks, the land reverts back to the longtime owner who can either extend the option to Greenskies, or perhaps would sell it to us.”
Further information will be published in Thursday’s edition of the Times News.