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2021 VBS events

Submit your event information to tneditor@tnonline.com.

• Bethany Wesleyan Church will be hosting a Summer Fun Series in the Palmerton Borough Park June 11, July 16 and Aug. 6 from 2 to 4 p.m. This is for kids ages 3 years to fifth grade. They will have relevant Bible lessons, fun crafts, cool science experiments, snacks, and games! The rain location is the BWC Palmerton Gym. All children are invited.

• Faith Alive Church, 678 Pine St., Palmerton (Bowmanstown), June 21-25: VBS, Destination Dig for ages 4-12 years old. Dinner 4:45-5:45 p.m. and classes, crafts, singing and fun from 6-8:30 p.m. Call the office to sign up your child; all children welcome.

• Blue Mountain Community Church, 25 Oak St., Palmerton, will be hosting VBS June 27- July 1, from 6-8:30 p.m. There is no cost. For more information visit the church website at www.bmcc.cc or call 610-826-8402.

• Vacation Bible School will be held July 19-23 at Lewistown Valley Tabernacle. To register call 570-952-1678 or go to https://lvvbs.myanswers.com/mystery-island.

• Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church, 222 North St., Lehighton, VBS Superheroes of the Faith, July 26-30.

• Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Gilbert, has announced its Mega Sports Camp Vacation Bible School will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 2-6. Lunch will be provided. Registration forms and photo releases are needed.