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Every person matters

Dear Editor,

I think it’s time for people to know every race, religion and nationality came to the United States. Every one of them did something for this country. Every one of them helped defend this country. Every one of them bled or died for this country, So don’t tell me that white, red, yellow or black is more important.

Every life in this country matters. I mean every life. If you take any life, no matter what color, it’s wrong. Every one in this country has the same rights. That includes the right to live your life the best you can.

Question to the public. Do you remember when:

People treated each other with respect? People spoke to each other?

People cared about the way they looked? People took care of their property? People were proud of their neighborhood? People cared about their neighbors? People helped each other? People taught their kids respect? People kept their neighborhoods safe? People looked out for the elderly? People could get along without a cellphone? People could get along without the internet? People could get along without video games? It’s all over, folks. Pretty soon machines will be telling people how to live! They’re doing some of that now. Get ready, it’s coming to a town near you.

I Remain,

Robert (Ski) Siesputowki

Summit Hill