Published May 29. 2021 07:07AM
In the Department of Communication Studies at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, client projects represent important hands-on learning experiences for students, and are integrated into various classes.
During the Spring 2021 semester student teams in Dr. Elizabeth Petre’s class, “Communication for Business Professionals” worked virtually with several local organizations to develop external communication materials that met the client’s needs.
Justin Mendoza of Walnutport was on the team that developed and promoted the social media for PA PETS, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to helping homeless animals.
Ian Duffy-Guy of Tamaqua was on the team that worked directly with the Department of Communication Studies on developing materials to promote the department’s recently-approved minor in professional communication.
All student teams worked together remotely for 10 weeks to complete the project which consisted of multiple meetings with their clients, researching different aspects of the project, and creating and designing the marketing and promotional materials. Clients attended the final presentations on Zoom, and expressed appreciation and excitement for the students’ creative ideas.