Walnutport VFW Post 7215 seeks new members
It may have taken awhile, but the Walnutport VFW Post 7215 has arisen from the ashes.
Much like many of its contemporaries, the post at 202 Cherry St. fell on hard times once the COVID-19 pandemic struck.
Now the post is solvent, and actively seeking new members to carry on its rich tradition.
The post was started by World War II vets and has been in operation since 1946.
At present, the post has about 70 veteran members and 200 social members.
Out of debt
There was a time not so long ago where the post’s fate appeared to be all but sealed, according to Adjutant Jeff Kunkle.
“Sometimes we were closed completely,” Kunkle said. “Plus we were in debt; didn’t pay our water bill, electric bill, didn’t have any insurance.”
Fortunately, Kunkle said the post was able to pay all of its debts back.
“We said we don’t want to see this thing die,” Kunkle said. “We banded together (and said), let’s rescue the place.”
That’s when Kunkle said the post really kicked things into gear.
“With the pandemic, we did fundraisers, solicited businesses for monetary donations, even people came in and donated,” he said. “As of this month, we’re in the black.”
Senior Vice Commander Steve Mattai took it a step further.
“We would have been solvent a lot sooner,” Mattai said. “We had to reapply for tax-free status, also a liquor license, license for the kitchen.”
But, Kunkle noted the post would not have been able to recover if not for the assistance of many.
He said the post received help from an individual from Bowmanstown who came down and put the furnace in, which cost them almost $10,000.
Additionally, Kunkle said the Lehigh Legion in Danielsville donated $1,000.
Also, he said the Walnutport VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 7215 helped them “financially and emotionally.”
“Karen Bandzi, president, and the Walnutport VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 7215, they were in our corner, they helped us monetarily,” Kunkle said.
“They helped us fight our fight, and they never abandoned us.”
Kunkle also praised the borough for its cooperation as well.
“Walnutport Borough has always been good to the VFW,” he said. “They’re good people to work with.”
Kunkle said it was a total team effort.
“It was a concerted effort by all of us,” he said. “Our main objective was to save the post, and we did, and it was remarkable.”
Seeking new board members
The post currently has nine members who serve on the board. However, Junior Vice Commander Gerry Healey noted that the youngest member on the board is 72 years old.
“The biggest problem is our age,” Healey said. “None of the younger combat veterans are joining.”
Kunkle agreed, and took it a step further.
“We’re trying to pass on the baton to the younger generation,” he said. “It can be active members, inactive members, social members.”
All agreed there’s a need for the younger generation of veterans to join and inject the post with some youth.
“Our main mission is try to keep the VFW running, get some young people to help run it,” Kunkle said. “If we can get any veteran board members from Afghanistan/Iraq, or any combat area veteran; just come to see what we’re all about.”
Kunkle said the VFW is open 4-9 p.m. Thursday-Sunday, with plans to increase hours of operation in the future. It has a menu with homemade food, as well as barroom food.
“We used to run socials, dances, Christmas parties, presents with Santa, Easter,” he said. “One of our biggest missions was veterans helping veterans.”
Kunkle said membership is $20 per year for social members, and $27.50 for combat veterans, and people can become members as long as they served in a combat area in any U.S. conflict (as designated by the dates of the U.S. government).
“Any veteran serving in a combat area, we will give them the first year membership for free,” he said. “Veterans in need, we will support them with anything we can do.”
The post will hold a dance fundraiser that will feature a live band at the pavilion at the Skeet Club in Slatington from noon to 5:30 p.m. Aug. 22.
For more information, contact Kunkle at 610-428-3244 or Kunkle9@ptd.net; Mattai at 972-415-6187 or stephenmattai@gmail.com; or Healey at 609-352-2232 or ghealey1@ptd.net.