Tamaqua announces $191,000 in scholarships
On May 10, the Tamaqua Area High School held its annual Night of Achievement Ceremony.
Sixty scholarships totaling over $191,000 were awarded to students.
A full list of the scholarships, the award amounts and the winners are as follows:
Beta Sigma Phi Award: Emma Hope, $150
Catherine and Junior Zehner Award: Nicholas Wall, $1,000
Charlie Rohart Memorial Scholarship: Dallas Sterling, $250
Class of 1953 William J. Rarick Memorial Scholarship: Michael Hegedus and Jessica Koscak, $500 each
Edmonds Memorial Scholarship: Dallas Sterling, $200
Edward J. Tite Memorial Scholarship: Makenna Carroll, $1,000
Frances K. Miller Scholarship Fund: Justin Lewis, $500
Fraternal Order of Police Award: Makenna Miller, $100
James D. Collins Memorial Scholarship: Frances Kabana, $1,525.40
Janet M. Plasha Memorial Education Award: Julianna Bowman, $1,000
Joanne and Raymond C. Kinder Educational Scholarship: Sophia Boyle, $500
John P. Klimowitch Memorial Award: Jessica Hollenbach, $150
Karen Mateyak Mathematics Award: Caitlin Smith and Zachary Groner, $1,000 each
Kimberly Mateyak Griffith Memorial Award: Makenna Kane, $1,000
M & T Financial Bank Award: Molly Murphy, $100
Marlin Hechler Memorial Award: Dominic Valentine, $500
Matthew Roberts Memorial Scholarship: Nathan Wickersham and Alexsya Thomas, $500 each
McKayla Wall: Alexandra Fredericks, Emily Frey, Jessica Hollenbach, Jessica Koscak, Justin Lewis, Courtney Loar, Ella McLaughlin, Brady Miller, Brielle Saukaynas, Gabriel Thomas, Nathan Wickersham, Andrew Fiorilla, $500 each
Miller/Knowles Memorial Award: Anya Stott, $150
Nicholas S. Demyanovich Memorial Award: Dominic Valentine, $500
Richard C. Zukovich Memorial Scholarship: Nicholas Wall, $500
Rotary Award: Frances Kabana, $500
Student Recognition Committee Award: Daniel Hannon, Megan Rolko, Tait Ehrig, $100 each
Tamaqua Education Association Award: Zachary Groner, Caitlin Smith, Emma Hope, Juliana Bowman, $500 each
T.A.S.G.A. Student Government Scholarship: Anya Stott, $500
Tamaqua Class of 1965 Award: Bryn Miller, $500
The Alice Konecny Memorial Scholarship: Jessica Hollenbach, $2,000
The Benjamin Herring Memorial Scholarship: Frances Kabana, $5,000
The Cassidy Derr Memorial Scholarship: Hailey Toth, $250
The Dr. John and Nell Forrest Scholarship: Laura Mace and Alexxa Kowalski, $2,000 each
The Ernest Scheller Memorial Scholarship: Anya Stott, $3,000 a year for 4 years
The Fenstermacher Prize: Caitlin Smith, $6,500
The Fisher Memorial Award: Emma Hope, Johanna Wolbach, Riley Zeigenfuss, $150/$100/$75
The Frank Zlock Memorial Scholarship: Aaron Coccio, $500
The Fred Valent Memorial Scholarship: Nastassia Orach, $500
The Hassan Scholarship: Zachary Groner, $5,000
The Humbert Lendin Music Scholarship: David Hull, $3,000
The J.E. Morgan Foundation Scholarship: Tyler Hazlett, Zachary Groner, Anya Stott, Frances Kabana, $6,000 a year each for 4 years
The Joan Clarke Memorial Scholarship: Frances Kabana, $1,000
The John Mettler Future Educators Scholarship: Jillian Hartranft, $500
The Kermit Gregory Award: Zachary Groner, $100
The Russell P. Kropp, PHD Memorial Scholarship: Makenna Kane, $2,000
The Schuylkill County Interscholastic Athletic Association Scholarship: Ethan Amershek and Emma Hope, $100 each
The Towle Family Scholarship: Natalie Hydro, $250
The Walter Ligenza Memorial Scholarship: Hailey Toth, $100
The William and Florence Fegley and Family Award: Anya Stott, $5,000
The William Klingaman Award: Gabe Thomas, $500
Theodore A. Giltner Memorial Award: Zachary Groner, $3,000
Theodore Leiser Memorial Scholarship: Lucas Schickram, $6,934.42
Versum Materials Award: Ethan Amershek, Caitlin Smith, Anya Stott, Zachary Groner, Nastassia Orach, $1,000 each
Joseph J. Isganitis Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Makenna Kane, $250
Little Schuylkill Lions Club Awards: Anya Stott, Nicholas Wall, Zachary Groner, Tressa Barron, Morgan Hadesty, Andrew Fiorilla, Emma Hope, Johanna Wolbach, Frances Kabana, Tyler Hazlett, Makenna Kane, Juliana Bowman, $50 each
Schuylkill County Medical Society Alliance Award: Riley Zeigenfuss, $100
Herbert T. Reigel Skilled Trade Scholarship: Lucas Schickram, $500
The Caputo Memorial Scholarship: Emma Hope, $1,000
The Robert Blue Memorial Award: Anya Stott, $500
Naoma M Stanley Award: Bria Gigli and Caitline Smith, $200 each
The James G. Purin Memorial Scholarship: Alexander Barron, $200
St. Luke’s Extraordinary Athlete Scholarship: Makenna Kane, $5,000
The Joe Plasko Memorial Award: Aaron Coccio and Tressa Barron, $75 each