Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart Parish, Lafayette Avenue, Palmerton will celebrate this weekend the Seventh Sunday of Easter. The Readings focus on the selection of Matthias to replace Judas, “the one who was destined to be lost.”
This weekend will be the last for seating restrictions - the blue tape will come off. However, facial masks are still required for all worshippers. Our Vigil Mass is celebrated on Saturday at 5 p.m. and Sunday Mass is celebrated at 9:30 a.m. and livestreamed on Facebook for those not able to attend.
Confessions are available by appointment only. Please call Father Bill to arrange a mutual time.
On May 17 the pastors and principal of St. John Neumann Regional School will meet at 10 a.m. The Parish Finance Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the parish center following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
Tuesday is primary election day and we encourage our parishioners to exercise this privilege.
We encourage you to vote for men and women who live our Gospel values. Also, on Tuesday at 11 a.m. a Funeral Mass will be celebrated for Frank Ukropec. All are welcome to attend. Please note: there will be no noon Mass.
May 19, the parish staff will meet at 11 a.m. All men 18 and older are invited to join the Men of Sacred Heart who will meet from 9 to 11 a.m. on May 22 in the parish center following all CDC guidelines.
We extend our prayers and best wishes for a long and happy life together to Kelly Westermann and Noah Troxell, who will be celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony next Saturday at 1 p.m. in our church.
Part-time job opportunity for a Director of Religious Program to begin July 1. If interested in learning more about this position, please call Father Campion at 610-826-2335.
Father Bill continues to ask for prayers, through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek whose cause for canonization to Sainthood is under study, that God will bless us with a cure for COVID-19 and restore the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial health to our global family.