Published May 08. 2021 06:53AM
Bowmanstown Borough Council took the following action on Tuesday:
• The 2021 Community Development Block Grant application has been submitted for the reconstruction of 600 feet of Lincoln Avenue from the intersection with Route 895 at construction cost of $206,645.
• The project description and comments for Lowe’s grant application for the borough building site retaining wall replacement has been reviewed.
• A draft of the plans and outstanding coordination items for Craig Street have been discussed. The detour will be signed on local roads in the borough in lieu of applying for a Highway Occupancy Permit, as all work will be within borough streets. A bid package will be finalized early this summer, but it’s anticipated that due to time to order the drainage materials, that the physical work will not begin until fall/winter, with final paving likely in spring 2022.
• Field dimensions announced for the existing inlets on White Street to be replaced, so new inlets can be ordered for the HOP permit.
• Chad Everett and Rodney Reeser appointed to the open seats on the borough’s Water Authority to replace Antoinette Mullen, who resigned, and Jerry Hall, who passed away.
• Fifteen “Children at Play” signs to be installed, to be paid for by crowdfunding.
• Four keyfobs provided for the fire trucks to fill up at DeSousa.
• The new portion of Lime Street will be added to the snow emergency route, and then add the north and south side of the street to accompany the odd/even parking.
- Terry Ahner