West End news for May 6, 2021
Name change set
The United Methodist Women of Effort UMC voted at its last meeting to break away from the United Methodist Women and become the Women’s Group of Effort.
At the next meeting there will be discussion of the development of this new group’s structure, mission and purpose.
That meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday in Wesley Hall.
SAL meeting
The Sons of the American Legion is scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the Gilbert Legion Post home.
The Legion Auxiliary will meet next Wednesday, also at the Legion post home.
Jam time
Tuesday is slated for another jam session from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Peter’s UMC in Saylorsburg.
For further information, call Cathy at 570-620-5127.
OTOH meeting
The next regular meeting of Operation Touch of Home will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the American Legion post home in Gilbert.
PVEN needs
The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network continues to help families in need monthly. To help those families, the network itself is accepting help from the community.
Currently some of those needs include donations of salad dressing, pancake mix, maple syrup and canned vegetables for the Food Pantry and shampoo and conditioner, women’s deodorant, body wash and toothbrushes for the Clothing Closet.
Donations may be brought to any of the supporting community churches or to the PVEN directly in Sciota on Route 209.
Scout Day
The Garden of Giving, near McMichaels, off Route 715, on Rising Hill Road, is holding a special Scout Day on May 15. All Scout troops, boys and girls, are encouraged to sign up to help out. Younger Scouts will be scheduled for the morning, and older scouts for the afternoon.
To reach the Garden of Giving call 570-402-1282, visit its Facebook page or email GardenOfGiving1@gmail.com.
Memorial Day
Polk Township will hold its 25th annual Memorial Day program at the Veterans Memorial and Adam’s Faith Garden in Kresgeville at 2 p.m. May 30.
Volunteers needed
Monroe County Habitat for Humanity anticipates completing 30 home preservation projects in partnership with neighboring homeowners in need in the county.
Home preservation allows neighbors affected by limited income to make necessary repairs on their homes. These repairs are completed only with the help of volunteers.
Those volunteers could include readers of this column.
Volunteers do not have to have experience because MCHFH has a need for volunteers of various skill levels and talent.
Give the office a call at 570-216-4390 and speak to Scott Fabian, MCHFH volunteer coordinator, or email MCHFH at Volunteer@HabitatMC.org,
Summer camp
The West End Park and Open Space Commission summer camp is now open for registration. It runs from June 21 to July 30 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (closed July 5) at the Chestnuthill Township Park in Brodheadsville. The camp is for ages 6-12 and youngsters must have completed kindergarten and cannot turn age 13 before Aug. 6.
It gives them a chance to get out in the fresh air and away from the computer for some fun-filled activities in an environment of kindness and creativity.
Both paperwork and payment must be made before registration is official. To register a child or for more information, contact Bernie Kozen, Executive Director, and Kim Tuin, Camp Director & Program Coordinator, at 570-992-9733 or email bkozen@weposc.org and ktuin@weposc.org.
It is anticipated a free lunch is to be provided daily by the Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network - subject to change due to current COVID-19 guidelines which will be followed during camp and may cause some changes based on current guidelines as they become available.
Planned activities include making crafts, participating in sports and games, going on nature walks, doing experiments, playing on the playground as well as the basketball court, field and volleyball court.
In addition, there will be discussion on safety in various forms, such as when bike riding, plus there will be a magician one day, a science show and a reptile event, to name a few things planned.
Children will be supervised by a well-trained staff with clearances and American Red Cross certifications.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.