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Marian senior gridders honored

Seven senior members of the Marian Colts’ 2020 gridiron team were honored at the year-end gathering held Sunday at the Mountain Valley Golf Course, Barnesville. With head coach Stan Dakosty, back left, are, front, from left, Owen Brady, Mason Fristick and Mike Baloga; and back, Corey Rehnert, Julian Cerullo and Rob Sunder. Missing from photo is Blake Bianco. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Marian senior gridders honored Seven senior members of the Marian Colts' 2020 gridiron team were honored at the year-end gathering held Sunday at the Mountain Valley Golf Course, Barnesville. With head coach Stan Dakosty, back left, are, front, from left, Owen Brady, Mason Fristick and Mike Baloga; and back, Corey Rehnert, Julian Cerullo and Rob Sunder. Missing from photo is Blake Bianco. SUBMITTED PHOTO