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Cemetery seeks family input before replacing tombstones

Caretakers of a Packer Township cemetery are trying to locate family members whose loved ones’ tombstones were damaged in a crash.

Glen Berger said several tombstones at the St. Matthew’s Union Church Cemetery, at 3153 Quakake Road in Weatherly, were damaged when a car ran into them on Feb. 15.

The tombstones will need to be replaced and the insurance company has been contacted, but Berger is seeking relatives to consult with them.

The stones are very old, but Berger said, “We will try to get the new ones as comparable as we can.”

One stone is a double one for Jacob H. Leibig, 1856-1904, and Sarah C. Leibig, 1856-1936.

Another double stone bears the names of Sarah Faye Wertman, 1926-1994, and Ralph I. Wertman, 1923-1988.

A third stone is for Marl F. Faust, 1908-1937. Another large stone bearing the family name Faust has been knocked over. The dates and the first name are underneath.

Any relatives of these families are asked to contact Berger at 570-427-8334.

A damaged headstone at St. Matthew's Union Cemetery will be replaced. Family members are being sought to consult in the process. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
The back of a headstone belonging a Faust family member. The stone is too heavy to turn to see the first name of the person buried there. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO