Times News Bingo papers available for free at Walnutport Bingo hall
It’s intermission, the perfect time to grab some grub, sip on hot coffee, and read about the events happening in the community.
While it may sound too good to be true, that’s the exciting opportunity that now awaits those who play bingo at the Diamond Fire Company in Walnutport.
That’s all thanks to the Lehigh Valley Health Network-sponsored Times News Bingo papers that are now available for free at the Diamond Fire Company Bingo Hall.
From this point forward, the papers are now free at the bingo hall every Tuesday and Saturday for at least a six-month trial period.
Christine Campbell, marketing manager, Lehigh Valley Press, said there will be 50 papers on a Tuesday, and 100 papers on a Saturday.
“Hopefully, we’ll get a good response,” Campbell said. “(While people are playing bingo) it will give them something to do.”
Campbell said that as capacity restrictions are lifted due to COVID-19, and based on the response, the count may be increased.
“We thought, how can we get our community paper out through COVID,” she said. “We thought of bingo here as a really great place to give out some free Times News.”
Campbell noted that all papers will have a Lehigh Valley Health Network notable stuck on them, all inserts that may be running that day and a subscription offer insert as well.
“We’ll try to do it indefinitely,” she said. “We think it’s a good fit.”
Jennifer Rowden, marketing director, Times News Media Group, said the arrangement is an opportunity to engage more readers.
“Because of the challenges of COVID, we’re looking for unique ways to still connect with our readers and potential readers,” Rowden said.
Steffany Wechsler, treasurer, Diamond Fire Company, said that bingo has been a real saving grace during these difficult times.
“What helps us is it’s a big hall,” Wechsler said. “Just our cleaning, we literally wipe down every chair.”
Wechsler said she hopes people will continue to come out and play at the bingo hall.
“Once it starts getting nice out, our slow time comes,” she said. “With COVID, it might be different.”
Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and Saturday at the Diamond Fire Company Bingo Hall.