Deadline to register to vote in Pa. is May 3
With the May 18 municipal primary election fast approaching, Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid reminds eligible Pennsylvanians that the deadline to register to vote is May 3.
On May 18, voters who are registered as Republican or Democrat will choose their parties’ nominees for seats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Superior Court, Commonwealth Court, county Common Pleas Courts, and Philadelphia Municipal Court.
Also on the party ballots will be a wide variety of county, school board, and local seats such as mayor, city or borough council member, township commissioner or supervisor, magisterial district judges, and precinct election officials.
All registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, will be eligible to vote on four ballot questions in the primary election – three proposed constitutional amendments and one question regarding fire and EMS company eligibility for an existing state loan program.
Individuals who wish to register to vote in the May 18 primary must be:
• A citizen of the United States for at least one month before the primary.
• A resident of Pennsylvania and of the election district in which the individual plans to register and vote for at least 30 days before the primary.
• At least 18 years of age on or before the date of the primary.
Eligible voters also can register by mail or in person at a county voter registration office; county assistance offices; Women, Infants & Children program offices; PennDOT photo and driver’s license centers; Armed Forces recruitment centers; county clerk of orphans’ courts or marriage license offices; area agencies on aging; county mental health and intellectual disabilities offices.
Applicants using the online voter registration system must complete and submit their application by 11:59 p.m. on May 3. Traditional paper voter registration forms must be received in county voter registration offices by close of business or postmarked by May 3.
Pennsylvania voters wishing to vote by mail ballot in the primary must apply for their ballot by May 11, but the earlier the better so they can return it in plenty of time before the election. They can apply online, by mail or in person at their county election office to receive the ballot as soon as it is available.
For more information on voter registration, call the Department of State’s toll-free hotline at 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772) or visit