Published April 02. 2021 02:17PM
No paper that I have read had the journalistic integrity and courage to do a very objective and truthful analysis of Trump’s time in office, both the good and bad. Sadly, in America, we are so enthralled with sensational media and politically driven “witch hunts” we have lost all Important ability to look in totally unbiased way at literally everything.
Mainstream media says they want people to “think critically.” And then something like the Trump administration comes along, and every involved, supposedly responsible organization (our Congress, the courts, the press) cannot do something as basic as they ask people to do. It is hypocritical to do as we say, not as we do.
While no thinking American can condone the attempt at anarchy that occurred at our nation’s Capitol, it is equally difficult to agree with equating the entire Trump administration to this one moment. And then allowing the most undemocratic tactics imaginable (censorship, and character assassinations for starters) to further stifle “critical thinking” is almost beyond belief. Grandma was right when she said two wrongs don’t make a right. She had no idea how it would apply to our nation 75 years later. We are definitely in “very troubled” times today, and I pray that our new presidential administration will do more than simply pay “lip service” to the very real need to “bring us together” as a people and a nation.
Sadly, as my 70-plus years as an American citizen (22 of which were serving in the military) I have never witnessed a time when the American people were more estranged from their government and our revenge-hungry politicians are doing every single thing they can to make it worse. It is time our government stops acting like immature children during a playground fight and start acting “responsible” and “adult” for the sake and survival of our country.
Jerry Funk
Jim Thorpe