Published March 30. 2021 12:45PM
The Times News Media Group is running a buy one, get one advertising promotion during the month of April.
A business that purchases an advertisement will receive an additional one at no cost to gift to another business.
“It’s a feel-good thing,” said TN advertising director Jen Benninger.
“I got this idea from other ad directors from other newspapers, and this is a promotion that one of them ran this year. I thought we could incorporate it into what we do.”
Both ads must be identical in size and color. The additional ad can be gifted to any business or nonprofit.
“It seems that vaccinations are picking up and it seems that the governor is lifting restrictions, and that businesses are opening at higher capacities,” said marketing director Jen Rowden.
“We kind of feel like it’s the beginning of the light at the end of the tunnel. We wanted to give business a boost at this time to celebrate that we’re somewhat returning to normal. We thought this would be a good opportunity, as the nicer weather rolls around and that we’re opening up more. Businesses can recognize other businesses that they want to give a helping hand to.”
Both advertisements must be run during the month of April. All participating businesses need to be in good standing with the Times News. The paid ad would have to be a new ad and not one currently scheduled or committed to previously.
“Some businesses were more fortunate than others last year. This is just a way for them to help the ones that weren’t as fortunate,” Benninger said.
For more information, call 1-800-443-0377.