Dogs saved from fire find a new home together
Ricco and Layla have a new home.
Celeste Richardson and her son Pete Casby, who live in West Lawn, Berks County, are the family the dogs have waited for.
“God actually showed me the dogs in a dream,” she said Monday.
She was quick to point out she didn’t mean these two dogs exactly. However, two dogs did appear in her dream. Richardson said she is “very spiritual. Very religious.”
In the dream, she was walking by a house and noticed one dog through plexiglass. When she went back, there were two dogs.
“I am going to help the dogs,” she recalled saying.
Two days later she was talking to a friend in Schuylkill County who asked if she read Schuylkill County news. She looked online and was moved by their story.
“When I read the story, I was completely moved by Matthew saving the dogs and losing his life,” she said.
The dogs’ previous owner, Matthew Wilcox, a Marine veteran, died in a house fire Dec. 23 at Indian Mountain Lake in Penn Forest Township, Carbon County.
Matt’s Dad, John Wilcox, said his son was sleeping and got the dogs out of the house before succumbing to carbon monoxide poisoning. The dogs were found in the backyard.
Richardson called Tom Connors, director of the Carbon County Animal Shelter about the dogs, which have been at the shelter since December.
Ricco is an 11-year-old Bull mastiff pit bull mix while Layla, 9, is a pit bull mix.
Richardson visited the dogs three times before adopting them Sunday.
“This is just such a blessing to have these two together,” she said.
She said Layla reminds her of her 13-year-old dog that died last year. She described Ricco as “a big loving bear.”
She believes there is a purpose for the dogs entering her life, although she doesn’t know what that is.
Connors said he is thankful the dogs have their forever home.
“I feel fantastic. I am so happy that it worked out,” he said.
He said honoring the memory of Matthew makes it all the more special.
“Carbon County gets the support it does because we don’t give up on these dogs,” he said.