Hazardous waste
In February, Pennsylvania election official Kathy Boockvar admitted that her staff found a serious error on a future proposed amendment. Imagine the stress of dealing with new voting machines, redistricting and the responsibility of 67 counties to ensure people could vote safely during a pandemic.
Kathy was labeled “this woman is just evil” by a man on the Facebook comments section of Times News, broadening the concept of evil beyond Hitler or slavery. Another man labeled her as being “responsible for the state of PA being #1 in election fraud,” and on Feb. 27, “last year an election was stolen.” Baseless allegations. No legitimate proof. Wow, now that is some inflated sense of self, unholy, creative, jibber-jabber.
And that leads me to some stuff in the everyday life of females, and guess what, evil comes to mind at the end of each line.
• Body perfection/beautiful that starts in grade school.
• The hidden domestic assault of girls and women
• The normalization of extreme and violent porn scenarios that distorts a healthy understanding of sex.
• The accepted “toxic masculinity” that allows boys or men to hurt others.
• The double standard used for women by the good old boy’s club.
• The never-ending comments on how women “look.”
• Salary inequality for women in every occupation.
• Mansplaining.
• The never-ending movies that depict violence, rage, humiliation, rape and the murder of women.
• Rush Limbaugh (conservative, pretty funny) and his years of vulgar speech which included labeling women. Privilege, with a fragile ego threatened by women who want to control their own lives.
Bee Gees “Words” 1968. 70% of divorces are initiated by women, around 90% by educated women.
The hazardous waste females wade through as they navigate life.
Debra Becker