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Are you happy now?

I have a question for the fake news watching “Orange Man Bad” crowd. Are you happy with the fact that thousands of unaccompanied minor children are flooding our borders at a cost of about $775/day per child paid for by the American taxpayers due to President Joe Biden’s open border policy? It will soon be costing the American taxpayers an additional $1,000 per child for transport fees to relocate them to their U.S. sponsors.

Why, you ask? Because their sponsors don’t have the money to pay so we get stuck with the tab. These children also receive classroom instruction. So while your children suffer from a lack of structured learning, isolation, depression and suicide, the illegal unaccompanied minor children attend class. Comforting, isn’t it? What about COVID? Evidently COVID doesn’t enter relocation camps because the illegals entering our borders are NOT tested. So as you kiss your small business goodbye and watch your children suffer immeasurably, thousands of nontested illegals flood our borders, and the American taxpayers pay for it all.

Four from the terrorist watch list have been apprehended, how many more have gotten through, undetected? What a difference a month makes. A brief rundown: thousands of jobs lost, Big Tech is silencing us, they are coming after our guns, China owns us again, and your kids and grandkids will work into their 90s to pay for it. That should make your day. How about that $3 a gallon gas. Nothing says winning quite like that. I bet you are still running around with your hair on fire, not because Donald J. Trump is still our president, which he is not, but rather for the fact that you now realize what you got with your vote for the radical left’s senile puppet, Biden, who puts a lid on it by noon every day. America last it is for the next 4 years.

Still a proudly deplorable, irredeemable redneck, with my three-tooth smile, I love that Olive Garden, clinging to my Bible and guns, still stinking up Walmart, a boomer rube, asserting my white privilege, racist, domestic terrorist and oh, I almost forgot, Trump cultist.

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township