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State police cancel summer camps

The Pennsylvania State Police announced the cancellation of upcoming youth camps due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The camps typically take place throughout Pennsylvania in the spring and summer months.

“Camp Cadet, Commissioner’s Honor Camp, and Sunny Day Camp are sources of community partnership and pride throughout PSP, especially among the personnel whose hard work and dedication make them possible,” said Colonel Robert Evanchick, commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police. “We made the difficult decision to cancel camps in the interest of the health and safety of all participants, but we remain hopeful the programs will resume in 2022.”

PSP volunteers coordinate dozens of youth camps and events each summer, including 27 weeklong sleepaway Camp Cadet programs, for children ages 12-15; a Commissioner’s Honor Camp, for outstanding teens selected from previous Camp Cadet attendees; State Police Youth Week, in partnership with the American Legion and National Guard; and 12 Sunny Day Camp programs, which are one-day events for children and adults with special needs or disabilities and their families.

“Although increasing vaccine availability and decreasing COVID-19 case counts are sources of optimism, we feel it is too early to host these types of large-scale programs where social distancing and other mitigation requirements are not possible,” said Evanchick.

Cancellation of the 2021 Elmer Hafer American Legion State Police National Guard Youth Camp (State Police Youth Week) was announced by the American Legion earlier this month.

For more information on State Police Youth Week, visit pa-legion.com.

For more information on Sunny Day Camp, visit sunnydaycamp.org.

For more information on Camp Cadet and the Pennsylvania State Police, visit psp.pa.gov.