Sacred Heart news
Sacred Heart Parish, Lafayette Avenue, Palmerton, celebrates weekend Mass at 5 p.m. on Saturday and 9:30 a.m. Sunday, following all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Allentown Diocesan directives. All worshippers for weekend Mass are asked to call the rectory office at 610-826-2335 indicating the Mass time and how many will be attending. Daily Mass, Monday through Friday, is celebrated at noon. The church remains open after daily Mass until 3 p.m. for private prayer.
Sunday 9:30 a.m. Mass is livestreamed on Facebook for all who are unable to join us in person.
Seating capacity continues to be limited to 160 worshippers at each Mass. Wearing a face mask and safe distancing is required. The Sacrament of Confession is offered by appointment only. Please call the rectory office to schedule. All other parish and diocesan news can be found at
This weekend we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Lent. The Gospel readings remind us that God so loved the world that he sent his only Son, Jesus, to deliver the world from evil.
We will honor St. Patrick, Patron of Ireland, at our noon Mass this Wednesday and prayerfully remember all those of Irish descent. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
On Friday, we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph at our Noon Mass. We will observe the tradition of blessing bread, the basic foodstuff of the working man. Those attending may bring their bread to Mass and place it on the altar rail for a special blessing. Pope Francis has declared the year 2021 to be dedicated to the intercession of St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church.
Father Mark Searles, Promoter of Diocesan Vocations and Chaplain of Allentown Central Catholic, will be our guest Celebrant and Homilist. Please call the rectory office to reserve your seat if you will be joining us on Friday for Mass.
Our RCIA program continues this Monday at 1 p.m. in the Parish Center. Father Bill will present a presentation on the Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick.
The Pastoral Council will meet March 18 via conference call beginning at 7 p.m. Agenda items can be submitted to Michelle Mullikin, chairperson.
Stations of the Cross will be celebrated with SJNRS students on Monday at 1:15 p.m. and Parish Stations on Wednesday at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
We continue to participate in Operation Rice Bowl as our parish Lenten charity.
The parish will host a Holy Hour with Confessions on March 22 beginning at 7 p.m. We encourage our families to participate and receive this sacrament in preparation for Easter.
Next weekend the second envelope will be used to purchase flowers for Holy Week, Easter and for a remembrance for those on our shut-in-communion call list.
Father Bill asks that we continue to pray through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek that God will bring spiritual, physical and emotional healing to all who continue to struggle with COVID-19.